Brett (Based): BRETTUSD
Brett (Based) is a meme coin that was launched on the Base blockchain. As its name suggests, this meme coin is based on the iconic character Brett, who is closely related to Pepe, one of the most famous meme characters among cryptocurrency users. Both characters are known from Matt Furie's comic series "Boy's Club".
The character Brett (Based) is known for his laid-back attitude and love of video games, which has resonated with fans around the world.
Trading opportunities
Trading start date: 1 February 2023
Average daily volatility: 10.3%
Average daily volume: approximately $173 million
How to buy and sell Brett (Based)
You can buy and sell the Brett (Based) token on specialised cryptocurrency exchanges. Alternatively, you can trade CFDs on the Brett (Based) token through a CFD broker or trading platform such as MetaTrader or Libertex where you can use leverage and trade even if the value of the asset declines.