iShares MSCI Mexico ETF
EWW iShares MSCI Mexico ETF is an ETF fund investing in shares of Mexican companies included in the index of the MSCI family (Morgan Stanley Capital International).
The investment is carried out into the shares of 62 Mexican companies of large and medium capitalisation. The largest positions in the structure of investments are held by AMERICA MOVIL L, FOMENTO ECONOMICO MEXICANO, GPO FINANCE BANORTE, WALMART DE MEXICO V.
Branch structure of investments:
27.5% – Consumer goods
16.7% – Financial sector
16.5% – Telecommunications
12.7% – Raw materials
10.4% – Industry
16.2% – Other industries
How to trade CFDs for iShares MSCI Mexico ETF
Trading for this instrument is available through the MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 and Libertex platforms. Trading CFDs for this ETF is available through the MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 and Libertex platforms.